Tag Archives: throwing metal

Instagram Photo Of The Week: Gail Meets Nick Rhodes!

The occasion of his 60th Birthday (June 8th) was reason enough for me to dig through my archives from the year 2000 and whip out this memory-making photo of me throwing metal with Duran Duran keyboardist Nick Rhodes! Woo! Yes, I had a poster of his face on my wall when I was in college — no shame!  You can read that interview Here!

There is No Shame in Following me on Instagram at @WorleyGigDotCom!

Pink Thing of The Day: Middle Finger Candle

middle finger candle photo by gail worley
Photos By Gail

Oh, my. This is vibrant Pink ‘Statement Candle’ designed by Justinas Bruzas is almost too nice to burn, amiright? Manufactured by 54 Celsius, this candle depicting my very favorite hand gesture is just one among the dozens of unique designs you can find on their website.  We spotted it at the NY Now summer marketplace, but it is available for you to purchase in a variety of colors for just $40 at This Link!

pink hand gesture candles photo by gail worley

John Lennon Throws Metal on Cover of Yellow Submarine Album

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Snagged this one from the Huffington Post

The Beatles are credited with being the first to do many things such as printing lyrics on a pop album, creating music videos and holding a stadium concert, but most bizarre is their role in the “devil horns” hand gesture taking off. John Lennon’s cartoon figure on the Yellow Submarine cover is apparently the first time the symbol was on the cover of an album and is one of the earliest instances associated with a rock band, ever.

Bacon Thing of The Day: Hail Bacon

Hail Bacon
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I know you were just waiting for it to come to this, right?

Snow Skull!

Snow Skull

I’m guessing the gold tooth is a Christmas ornament.

Thanks to Neatorama for the Image!