Top 10 Most Ridiculous Black Metal Press Photos Of All Time

black metal guy
“Dude, XYZ!”

Nothing speaks to me about the dark spirit of Halloween quite like cheesy, embarrassing Press photos of Black Metal Bands that take themselves so unbelievably seriously that they just come off like huge jokes. Here’s a really a fun list compiled by Mike Hobart of Ruthless Reviews, that goes all the way back to 2006. Mike obviously took some serious time to sort through a hefty pile of press photos to come up with the 10 most embarrassing of the lot. His commentary accompanying each photo is pretty funny as well. See the full list at Ruthless Reviews. Happy Halloween, everyone!

immortal band
Immortal (These Guys Made the List Twice!)

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0 thoughts on “Top 10 Most Ridiculous Black Metal Press Photos Of All Time”

  1. “Embarrassing Press photos of Black Metal Bands that take themselves so unbelievably seriously that they just come off like huge jokes.”
    Since when did Immortal start to take themselves seriously? They look ridiculous, and they know it!

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