Andy Warhol Prom Outfits

Andy Warhol Prom Outfits
(Image Source)

Prom isn’t a rite of passage that I get sentimental about at all, in any way. I mean, Prom Shmom, who cares? In 20 years, one isolated night of awkward earnestness and drunken, hormone-fueled teenage boinking won’t mean anything anyway. What was I just talking about? Oh yes, Prom outfits. Don’t this young couple look really cute and much smarter/cooler than anyone else at their Prom could possibly look, all dressed up in a suit and dress that come together to form a likeness of my very favorite modern artist, Andy Warhol? Man, they look good. I hope they had fun at their stupid Prom.

Thanks to Neatorama via Oddee For The Tip!

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