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Video Clip of The Week: The Happinesses “Beautiful Mistake”


In the mid-1990s, when music was an entirely different animal than it is now, there was a fantastic NYC-based power pop quartet, possessed of a wickedly gritty edge, called Thin Lizard Dawn. Thin Lizard Dawn were just about my favorite band in the world for the short time they were together. TLD sounded something like The Beatles meets 10 CC and their self-titled, 1995 debut featured energetic, danceable songs about smoking pot (“Weed”), enthusiastic sex (“Sexual Dynamo”) and how much they thought Oasis sucked (“Sucks). That’s right: they were amazing.

I loved them so much, and that album is still one of my favorite discs of all time. But TLD’s record label, RCA, had no clue how to market them and the band was dropped after their sophomore album failed to make any kind of dent in the commercial marketplace. Which reminds me of a joke:

Q: How do you stop the spread of AIDS?
A: Let BMG distribute it.

More than a decade has passed since the death of Thin Lizard Dawn, but the bands’ individual members have all gone on to have careers in the music industry, and that includes lead singer/guitarist/ heartthrob Greg Lattimer. Greg is currently a studio engineer and producer, but he still finds time to write and record original music. The Happinesses is Greg and his wife Alice, just performing simple, memorable songs about love. Please enjoy this very fun, split-screen video for the super hooky “Beautiful Mistake.” “Like” The Happinesses on FaceBook at This Link.

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