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Thrive Ice Cream: A Delicious and Nutritious Treat


All Photos By Gail

Do you like Ice Cream? I sure do. Now that the weather is warming up, I am thinking of all of the foods I have not been indulging in so much during the colder months, and one of those is ice cream. At a recent food trade show here in Manhattan, I was introduced to Thrive Ice Cream; a brand of ice cream that not only tastes amazing but is actually good for you. I am not a person who is overly concerned with healthy snacking because I try to just use common sense when I snack, but to have a sweet treat that I already enjoy be fortified with protein, potassium and vitamins?  Sounds like a good deal to me!

The good people at Thrive recently sent me some samples of their ice cream in both the Homemade Vanilla and Milk Chocolate flavors, and here is what I love about this ice cream. As you can see by the package, one serving of Thrive contains 9 grams of Protein, 3 grams of Fiber, 50 mg of Potassium, 4 Probiotic cultures (so important for digestive health) and 24 Vitamins and Minerals. Each package includes two individual 6-ounce servings for easy sharing as well as portion control – because, seriously, how many of us could just grab a spoon and eat an entire pint without even thinking about it? One serving has just 250 calories but tastes totally indulgent, especially for a snack that is actually healthy!

You can see in the photo above that the Vanilla flavor is a rich, buttery yellow (it kind of even looks like you are sticking your spoon into a tub of margarine), but the color is owed to the richness of the flavor, which is closer to a French Vanilla than traditional plain Vanilla. The flavor is so rich, in fact, that on one snacking occasion I was perfectly satisfied with eating just half of the container, and saving the rest for later (I just covered the container with a piece of foil and returned it to the freezer. It tasted perfect and had maintained its creamy consistency when I went back to finish it off).

Milk Chocolate Thrive, Serving Suggestion

The Milk Chocolate flavor is equally delicious and should satisfy the sweet tooth of the most die-hard chocolate lover. The texture of Thrive is also super creamy, lest there be any suspicion that this is really ice milk or frozen yogurt masquerading as ice cream. It would be perfect for the base of a delicious Hot Fudge Sundae or to dress up with any of your favorite toppings.

Please visit Thrive Ice Cream online for more information and to download a $1.00 coupon good towards your purchase of this delicious and nutritious treat!

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