Oh Yeah, Happy Presidents Day

Everybody Dance Now

Well, here we are at the butt end of a fabulous long, holiday weekend, featuring My Birthday bookended by Valloween (very scary) and Presidents Day (AKA Extra Day to Sleep In). How many of you ancients out there recall back in the day when we got both Lincoln’s Birthday and Washington’s Birthday as days off from school? And now they’ve consolidated it into one effing holiday about which no one seems to be quite sure of the significance. It’s a rip off, for sure, but I did enjoy having the extra day to buy groceries, do laundry, eff around on Face Book and conduct one of the most amazing drummer interviews of my career! So I guess it evens out. Tomorrow: Back to the Grind.

0 thoughts on “Oh Yeah, Happy Presidents Day”

  1. Yes, madam. On Sat night, I was talking about the individual prez holidays with someone from Israel who had no clue as to what THIS Pres Day is about. After the explanation, she didn’t care anyway. I never thought of myself as an “American Patriot” upholding the basic fiber of this great nation, but sometimes these imported people piss me off!

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