10 Rainy Day Craft Ideas for Kids

kids unicorn craft

It’s wonderful to spend a day with your children, but maybe you look at the weather forecast and notice that it’s going to rain alllll day long — ugh. What could you possibly do cooped-up inside with these crazy kids?

If you’ve run out of ideas on how to keep the kids entertained on a rainy day, why not try some craft projects that everyone can enjoy? Continue reading to find ten amazing craft ideas to try out.

1. Oven-Baked Clay Pottery

Oven-baked clay makes for a great art project for kids and you can even make your own at home. This project allows them to get a little messy and create something that they can continue to use for years to come. Your kids can make anything they like, including dolls, bowls, animals, and spaceships.

2. Paper Bag Puppets

If you have some paper bags on hand and some spare art supplies you can create a craft that can be used to play with afterward. Throw on some googly eyes and yarn for hair. You can create an entire puppet show.

3. Photo Collages

If you have some spare photos lying around and a good backer board, you can have your kids create a photo collage to hang up in their room. You can also print off images from your computer such as cartoon characters or whatever else your child has an interest in.

If your kids are interested in making photo video collages online to share with their friends or on social media, then you can easily find a free video collage maker available online. You can find one that provides multiple templates, to create amazing video collages in minutes. This would be interesting for kids to easily use photos and videos with their creativity just by using ‘drag and drop’ to make a collage.

dream catcher
Photo by RODNAE Productions on Pexels.com

4. Dream Catchers

This is one of those art ideas that your kid can hang up in their room and enjoy. You can make them out of paper plates, yarn, feathers, or whatever else you have lying around.

bubble painting
Photo by Rebecca Diack on Pexels.com

5. Bubble Paintings

This is a classic craft that kids will love. Who doesn’t love bubbles? All you need is paint, dish-washing liquid, water, straws, and a surface to paint.

6. Homemade Cards

Is there a holiday, birthday, or anniversary coming up? This is a great opportunity to have your kids create cards that will have much more meaning than a simple store-bought one. Even if there aren’t any special occasions coming up, a simple “I love you” or “thank you” card is always welcome.

7. Paper Stained Glass

You can use tissue paper to create a gorgeous stained glass craft project. From small designs to entire windows, they can choose how big to make it. Kids can hang these in their windows of their rooms for added privacy as well.

8. Fairy Houses

A fairy house can be made out of anything, but an empty milk jug makes a cool foundation. They can be decorated with stickers, foam, tissue paper, paint, and so on.

9. Banners and Buntings

Banners and buntings are a fun way to add some color to a room. You can even make it themed for an upcoming holiday such as hearts for Valentine’s Day.

10. Paper Plate Animals

A paper plate can be turned into just about anything with a little imagination. You can also turn these into masks to play with after the crafting is done.

This is just a small selection of possibilities for rainy day craft ideas. Your kids are creative, too, so ask them what they would like to do!

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