Stephanie St. John, Vocalist, MiMi Ferocious

Gail rocks, rolls and Reikis, all in one beautiful pink package. I think the chick is just plain in tune with the universe, which could explain why the great ear and gift of expression. A while back, she offered me her services as a Reiki Master practioner after the loss of my mother. I really appreciated her reaching out, because I only knew her through Starpolish and as a reviewer. And when my band was getting ready to release our CD, she helped us do a slamming bio for our press kit with her detailed, but to the point questions. She really helped us get organized and see the throughline in our story. Simply put, Gail rocks and anyone who gets to work with her in any capacity is lucky to be touched by this pink lady.

Michael Brueggen, Drummer, Supagroup

Being fairly new to interviews, I feel very lucky to have met Gail and very grateful to have been interviewed by her. She is extremely professional, enthusiastic and can make an uncomfortable milieu very comfortable. Her solid grasp on music and charming character make her a pleasure to talk with. She has been encouragingly positive and supportive, which has made an impact on me and apparently all of these other musicians. Thank you Gail, for keeping my Rock 'n' Roll fantasy alive!

Eric Berkowitz, Bassist, Full Out Freak

Gail is one person who really understands music. She really helped us express what we wanted to say in our band’s bio and was a complete pleasure to work with.

Eolake Stobblehouse, Artist, Photographer, Writer, Poet

Gail is honest and she cares. What more do you need?

Dennis Dunaway, Bassist, Alice Cooper

The integrity with which Gail conducted our interview assured me that she was genuinely interested in what made our band tick. She already understood that Alice Cooper was a band and had detailed knowledge of our history. She was familiar with album cuts and even knew what basses I played. Her pertinent questions and personable conduct made my answers flow freely and candidly. That level of professionalism surely rings true in all her interviews.

A Blog Of Neat Things!