Tag Archives: bad reputation

Video Clip of The Week: “Bad Reputation” By Bass Drum of Death

Do you like Rock & Roll? I sure do. This rad video from Bass Drum of Death was chosen as this week’s Video Clip because it is just so Rock & Roll, I can hardly live. The Rock is represented here by the song “Bad Reputation,” in which a 12 year old boy (portrayed by a 12 year old girl) takes a red sports car for a joy ride, smokes, drinks, does lots of blow, robs and mutilates a bad guy, picks up a hooker and, later, meets a reversal of fortune at the hands of his (her) own evil twin. The music is raw and exhilarating like late 1970s Punk Rock. All good.

And not to mention, but you can see I am about to, the band’s brain trust, John Barrett, is smokin’ hot. Enjoy!

Bass Drum of Death
John Barrett of Bass Drum of Death: I’d Do It.