Tag Archives: christmas

Gail’s California Christmas Adventure

Gail and Sue
Sue and Gail: Going to the Beach in December is Fun!

I just got back at midnight from six wonderful days in California, where the most excercise I got was shutting the car door and lifting a fork to my mouth! It was sunny and warm every day I was there and I had the chance to visit a bunch of old friends, the kind you only get to see once a year (or less) due to living in different parts of the country. That is always fun, especially when you can reminisce about/make fun of all the losers who graduated high school or college with you and are now fat and divorced with dysfunctional grown kids who still live with them. Good times.

My favorite part of my visit was when my best friend in the Universe, Sue came down from LA to hang out with me at my parent's house for two days so I could maintain my sanity. Sue rocks! Here are some pictures of us at the beach.

Gail at the Beach
This is Me Sitting on a Big Rock

Sue at Laguna
The Tide Washed Over Sue’s Feet Two Seconds After This Photo was Snapped

I have other photos but they are too small to post here, so you will just have to use your imagination.

I hope that all of you had a Rad Chrismas Adventure like I did!

My Favorite Christmas Smell: Fresh Trees!

christmas tree lot
They Smell So Good

If I’m walking down the street and I see someone selling cut Christmas trees on the sidewalk, I always make sure to walk by – even if it means I have to cross to the other side of the street – because those trees, they smell so good. Nothing says Christmas to me quite like the smell of a fresh cut tree!