Tag Archives: Jay Oakerson

Nothing Says “Christmas Rocks Very Hard” Quite Like The Roadrunner Records Holiday Party!

Roadrunner Records Logo

“Merry Christmas”

It is no secret that the music industry does not throw parties like they used to ten or even five years ago. Those glorious days of the full buffet, open bar and name acts that don’t suck playing sets of rocking music for your enjoyment, are over, baby. At least we have our memories. But one exception I’ve found is the annual Roadrunner Records Holiday Party!

I think anyone who is lucky enough to get an invite to this event will agree with me that it sets the music industry benchmark for holiday parties that kick total ass. This year’s party was held last night and, as usual, it was really fun and REALLY crowded. There were friends I waved to from across the room at various moments in the evening, but never could really find in the crowd to actually speak to. It’s that way every year. Sometimes a wave and a nod is as good as it gets.

Dressed like the rock goddesses that we are, Tracy and I spent most of the evening working the room with writer/editor Kirk Miller, who is always cool and fun to hang with. I also met up with the adorable Katherine Turman and a couple of her friends, and was kissed and hugged by many cherished music industry pals who I sometimes only see once a year at this event. Another highlight of the party for me, besides the food, was meeting the actor/comedian Jay Oakerson, who plays Neil on the fun IFC series, Z-Rock – which stars one of my favorite local rock bands, Brooklyn’s own Z02. He was super nice and (surprise!) very attractive in person. I enjoyed all of the plentiful and delicious foods (partaking heavily of the buttery beef filet with horseradish sauce) and drank a few too many vodka cranberries. Despite my toasty state, I made it home on the bus okay. Surprisingly, this morning I did not have a hangover. Thank you Roadrunner Records for another happy holiday memory and please continue to rock!