Tag Archives: Stella

Video Clip of The Week: Σtella, “Picking Words”

Hey what’s up. It’s Sunday again and time for another fantastic, personally selected by me, Video Clip of the Week. Today we bring you yet another great tune — accompanied by an engaging video — from our friends at Inner Ear Records in Athens, Greece, where the hits just keep on comin’.

This week’s clip comes from Athenian Electro-Pop sensation Σtella (pronounced “Stella”), who takes a slow-burn approach to blowing your mind with her latest single, “Picking Words” (from her self-titled album, which has been out for a few months). “Picking Words” puts an understated spin on the ages-old boy/girl entanglement drama that’s been done to death, and breaths life into the scenario in a way that recalls a Florence & The Machine-meets-Steve Nicks epic mash up. Pay close attention at about the 53 second mark to see Σtella do something borderline obscene with a clutch purse. Enjoy!

Stella Picking Words Still