HELP! Is On The Way!

help beatles movie logo
Best. Movie. Ever.


Ohmygod, I am so excited about this news! I first saw the Beatles’ movie HELP! in the theaters when I was four or five years old and it launched my lifetime obsession with the greatest band ever in the Universe of all time. Even though – thanks to eBay – I’ve owned a decent looking Asian bootleg of HELP! on DVD for years, to own the real thing all enhanced and with extra bonus features and shit will just be too awesome. It’s like being five years old all over again! Here’s more from the press release I stole off of Myspace:



Apple Corps Ltd have announced the eagerly anticipated DVD release of The Beatles’ second feature film Help! on October 29th (30th in the USA) which will be marketed and distributed by EMI Music. Directed by Richard Lester, who also directed the band’s debut feature film, A Hard Days Night, Help! made its theatrical debut in 1965. The story follows The Beatles as they become passive recipients of an outside plot that revolves around Ringo’s possession of a sacrificial ring, which he cannot remove from his finger. As a result, he and his band mates John, Paul and George are chased from London to the Austrian Alps and the Bahamas by religious cult members, a mad scientist and the London police. In addition to starring the Beatles, Help! has a witty script, a great cast of British character actors and features 7 classic Beatles tracks, including:

* “Help!”

* “You’re Going To Lose That Girl”

* “You’ve Got To Hide Your Love Away”

* “Ticket To Ride”

* “I Need You”

* “The Night Before”

* “Another Girl”

More Cute Beatles

The DVD will be a 2-disc set. Disc 1 will feature the original film digitally restored with a newly created 5.1 soundtrack, while Disc 2 contains an hour of extra features, including:

* The Beatles in Help! – A 30 minute documentary about the making of the film with Richard Lester, the cast and crew. Includes exclusive behind the scenes footage of The Beatles on set.

* A Missing Scene – Featuring Wendy Richard * The Restoration of Help! – An in-depth look at the restoration process.* Memories of Help! – The cast and crew reminisce

* Theatrical Trailers – 2 US trailers and 1 Spanish trailer.

* 1965 US Radio Spots – Hidden in disc menus.

There will be 2 editions of the DVD – a standard digipack and a deluxe boxed set that will contain a reproduction of Richard Lester’s original annotated script, 8 lobby cards and a poster, plus a 60-page book with rarely seen photographs and production notes from the movie. Both the deluxe book and the standard booklet feature an introduction by Richard Lester and an appreciation by Martin Scorsese.

2 thoughts on “HELP! Is On The Way!”

  1. Yeah now I’m feeling old…up in the crate in my bedroom closet are a stack of Beatles Albums, among them HELP. Although I beg to differe I like A Hard Day’s Night better than Help…But why quibble…

  2. Damn, I just bought Help! on laserdisc, because the OOP DVD is so expensive.
    Help! is not only my favorite Beatles flick, it’s one of my favorite films, period. Fantastic color cinematography… “You’re Going To Lose That Girl,” with Ringo in a blue smoky haze, and “You’ve Got To Hide Your Love Away,” as they’re serenading the girl in their bachelor pad- priceless.
    It’s also my favorite Beatles album, with Revolver a close second. Incidentally, my best friend just gave me the ultra-expensive Half-Speed Master LP version for my birthday.
    You can bet I’m buying the boxed DVD set… Gail, if you didn’t live so far away, you could come over for a TV party.

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