Hello Kitty Taser Gun: Does It Really Exist?

Hello Kitty Taser
Bad Kitty

One of my very favorite time-waster websites is Hello Kitty Hell, a ridiculously fun and snarky blog which was previously featured here on The ‘Gig. Today’s Hello Kitty Hell featured post is – of all things – a Hello Kitty Taser Gun, “because nothing shows the true cuteness and sweet side of Hello Kitty — and the love and happiness she brings to all — like 50,000 volts of electricity streaming through your body.” One commenter noted that this product surely must be a Photoshop job, so I decided to do a bit of sluething myself. First, I did a Google search for “Hello Kitty Taser Gun” to find out if this is a real product or a Photoshop job, as claimed. While I did get quite a few page hits on the product, they ALL appear to link back to Hello Kitty Hell as the source article. I also did a search on Sanrio’s (maker of Hello Kitty) official online store and it turned up zero results for the product. Lastly, if you take a look at this link you’ll see a taser gun exactly like the one pictured in the HKH post, minus (of course) the Hello Kitty Logo. My conclusion: this is indeed a very entertaining post, but likely a Photoshop job, nonetheless.

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