Led Zeppelin Release Debut Album

On This Date, January 12th, in 1969: Led Zeppelin released its debut album in the UK (the US release date was January 17th). The album’s iconic cover artwork, chosen by guitarist Jimmy Page,  features a black and white photo of the 1937 Hindenburg airship  disaster. Led Zeppelin!

5 thoughts on “Led Zeppelin Release Debut Album”

  1. Jeff Beck was not thrilled to learn they had covered “You Shook Me”, also. His “Truth” LP is great in its own right.

    (Beck) He said, “Listen to this. Listen to Bonzo, this guy called John Bonham that I’ve got.” And so I said I would, and my heart …just sank when I heard “You Shook Me.” I looked at him and said “Jim, what?” and the tears were coming out with anger. I thought “This is a piss-take, it’s got to be.” I mean, there’s Truth still spinning on everybody’s turntable, and this turkey’s come out with another version. Oh boy … then I realized it was serious, and he did have this heavyweight drummer, and I thought “Here we go again” – pipped at the post kind of thing. (beaten to the punch, one upped).

  2. Keith Moon was so wrong when he told Jimmy Page that his new band idea would go down like a Led Zeppelin. They truly are the greatest rock n roll band ever.

  3. Eighteen, but too busy with frosh year in college to give notice, Had to wait till summer to see this phenom band on stage and feel the full blow. Remember horrible reviews critical of this “pretender black blues singer name of Plant”! Lost it when I saw them in person and bought my first 8 track tape ever of this one.

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