How to Track Your Kid’s Instagram Activity

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Social media can be both a blessing and a concern, especially when it comes to your kids. If you’re worried about your child’s online safety, particularly their activity on platforms like Instagram, you’re not alone. Here’s how to track your kid’s Instagram activity for your peace of mind and online safety.

How To Track Your Kid’s Instagram Activity With Parentaler

With 40% of children under 13 having an Instagram account, it’s essential for parents to stay informed about their online activities. Parentaler is a famous app to track Instagram activity of your children. With Parentaler, you can easily monitor your child’s conversations, messages, and images exchanged on any device.

Using Parental monitoring app to access an Android phone remotely is straightforward. Begin by visiting the official Parentaler website and clicking on the “TRY NOW” option. Complete a brief test and provide your email to create an account. Then, choose a plan – monthly, quarterly, or yearly.

Then here’s what you need to do:

  • Step 1: Sign up for a Parentaler account.
  • Step 2: Install the Parentaler app on both devices.
  • Step 3: Set up Parentaler on both devices.
  • Step 4: Monitor your child’s Instagram activities.

With these three simple steps, you can enjoy the convenience of remotely controlling an Android device from another Android. Once set up, you can effortlessly keep track of your child’s Instagram activities, ensuring their safety in the digital realm.

Am I Too Nervous Kind of A Parent?

As children grow more independent, some parents may understandably feel nervous about their safety and well-being, especially in the digital age. So no, you’re not too nervous kind of a parent if you want to track Instagram activity of your child. One approach to easing this anxiety is by increasing communication and checking in with your child more frequently.

This includes:

  • Engaging in regular conversations with your child about their daily activities, interests, and online interactions.
  • Scheduling regular check-ins or phone calls to maintain open communication and express your concerns and support.
  • Encouraging your child to share any worries or problems they may encounter online will foster trust and transparency in your relationship.

However, this method can be challenging as it may infringe on their need for privacy, leading to further tension and worry.

Alternatively, installing a parental control program like Parentaler can offer a solution. By having access to your child’s online activities, location, and device usage, you can maintain peace of mind without constantly relying on phone calls.

This approach allows parents to stay informed about their child’s whereabouts and behavior without disrupting their independence or invading their privacy excessively.

Set Up Parental Supervision on Instagram

A collaborative effort between the teen and their parent is required to effectively track Instagram activity. Initially, either the teen or their parent sends an invitation for supervision, which must be accepted to initiate the process.

If the teen initiates the invitation, they must confirm that the parent who accepted it is the correct supervisor. It’s important to note that only one parent can supervise a teen’s account. Once supervision is established, parents gain access to a range of tools and insights through the Family Center.

Here’s how to track Instagram activity:

  • Set time limits for their teen’s Instagram usage each day.
  • Schedule breaks to limit usage during specific days and hours.
  • Monitor their teen’s overall Instagram usage across devices.
  • Track their teen’s average daily time spent on Instagram.
  • Review their teen’s activity, including the accounts they follow, their followers, and blocked accounts.
  • View and manage their teen’s account privacy settings and sensitive content preferences.

On the other hand, teens can also benefit from supervision by:

  • Previewing what their parents see in the Family Center.
  • Notifying their parents after reporting something on Instagram.

Through these features, parental supervision on Instagram offers a comprehensive solution for ensuring online safety and fostering responsible digital habits among teens.

Is It Legal?

Tracking someone’s Instagram activity is different from tracking your  ownchild’s Instagram activity.

Monitoring your minor’s device is entirely legal and falls within the realm of parental responsibility. However, it’s essential to approach it with caution and open communication. Before installing any monitoring app on your child’s smartphone, it’s advisable to have a conversation about online safety.

This discussion can help your child understand the reasons behind monitoring and educate them about potential online risks. By involving them in the process and emphasizing the importance of responsible digital behavior, you can establish trust and cooperation while ensuring their safety in the digital world.

It’s a proactive step towards fostering a healthy and informed relationship with technology for both parents and children.


All in all, safeguarding your child’s online activities is crucial in today’s digital landscape. By utilizing tools like Parentaler and engaging in open discussions about online safety, parents can protect their children while respecting their privacy.

It’s all about finding a balance between supervision and trust, ultimately fostering a healthy and secure digital environment for our children to thrive in. The power to track Instagram activity of your kid can prove to be a game changer when it comes to good parenting.

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