Tag Archives: comedians

George Carlin, 1937 – 2008

Comedian George Carlin passed away Sunday of heart failure at the age of 71. It seems like George Carlin’s comedy was a part of my life since I was a tiny lass, and initially got all shocked and horrified at his routine about “The Seven Dirty Words You Can’t Say On Television.” Because I was about ten years old at the time and hadn’t yet become the expert at swearing that I am today. I never saw Carlin perform, but I did once meet his nephew, Dennis Carlin, who is a drummer in a punk rock band out in LA. He was pretty funny as well. Rest in “Mother Fucking Cock Sucking” peace, George.

Another One Bites the Dust: R.I.P Harvey Korman

Harvey & Tim
Harvey Korman and Fellow Carol Burnett Show Cast Mate, Tim Conway

Death sure is having a field day just lately. Yesterday, actor and legendary funny man Harvey Korman passed away at the age of 81, following a complication with an aneurysm four months ago. I used to watch Korman on The Carol Burnett Show when I was growing up, and he was beyond hilarious. He also voiced the alien character The Great Gazoo on The Flintstones. He rocked.

Great Gazoo

“Say Goodnight, Dick”

“Goodnigh,t Dick”

Comedian Dick Martin , co-creator of the hilarious and pioneering early ’60 sketch comedy/variety program, Rowan & Martin’s Laugh-In (which I watched religiously as a small child) died Saturday in Santa Monica from respiratory complications. He was 86.