Tag Archives: Jon Schnepp

Happy Birthday, Jon Schnepp!

Geoffrey, Jon and Me

Today, May 16th, is the birthday of one of the most entertaining people I’ve ever met, Jon Schnepp, who directs Metalocalypse, and works on a bunch of other awesome shows for the Adult Swim Network. Back in April, at least I think that’s when it was, I was lucky enough to hang out with Jon while we waited in line to get into Tara McPherson’s Cotton Candy Machine store for the Tiny Trifecta art sale. Jon is completely hilarious and had Geoffrey and I almost peeing our pants for the three hours it took us to get into the store. Jon, I hope you have a wonderful birthday and thank you for the laughs and the cool TV programs! If you’d like to learn more about Jon, and perhaps also wet your pants from laughter, you can read my February 2010 interview with him at This Link.

Gail Interviews Metalocalypse Director Jon Schnepp!

Dethklok Dethklok Dethklok Dethklok!

A snowy day (like we are having right now in NYC) provides a great opportunity to just sit at home and read shit on your computer. For starters, check out my metalriffic new interview with Jon Schnepp, director of everyone’s favorite Adult Swim series Metalocalypse, which is up now for your reading pleasure at Ink 19! Please enjoy, and Death to False Metal!