Tag Archives: los angeles

Jim Morrison Said to Haunt L.A. Mexican Restaurant’s Restroom

“Break On Through To The Other Side, Yeah”

It’s Jim Morrison’s Birthday today (December 8th), and what better way to celebrate the birth of the Lizard King than by tossing back a couple of margaritas while reading This Story?

Remembering Janis Joplin

“Well, I’d Trade All of My Tomorrow’s For One Single Yesterday…”

On This Date, October 4th, in 1970:  Janis Joplin died of a heroin overdose at the Landmark Motor Hotel in Los Angeles. She was 27 years old.

I Went to California and I Had Fun

Gang at Don Cucos
Me Having Fun In LA, Left to Right: Ryan, Me, Sue, Nathan, Wendy, Jason, Seven, Anna. Fun!

I know it’s been a while since I updated this thing. I hope you missed me as much as I missed you. I was away because I flew out to California to surprise my Dad for Father’s Day, because that is just the kind of amazing daughter I am. Dad was really surprised and happy to see me and did not have a heart attack and die in the restaurant as I feared might happen when he saw me, being that he was not expecting me to show up in California from NYC for Father’s Day. Thank goodness he lived, because accidentally killing my Dad on Father’s Day would have really been a drag.

Before I went down to Orange County (where my parents live) for the Big Father’s Day Surprise, I had the chance to spend a couple of days in LA hanging out with my West coast peeps, eating many delicious foods and getting way too much sun. It was awesome. And you should see this hot pink, Indian silk print slip dress I got on Venice Beach for $10! What a bargain! I Love California!

Please enjoy a collection of rad pictures of me having fun in the sun after the jump.
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