Tag Archives: playing cards

5 Poker Themed Ornaments for The Christmas Tree

hoto of a woman putting ornaments on a white christmas tree
Photo by Nadine Giza on Pexels.com

Everyone loves finding a pretty bauble or brightly-colored candy cane for the Christmas tree, but sometimes doesn’t it feel a little boring? Pulling out the same old lights and having the same decorations year after year every Christmas is getting repetitive. Maybe some people like tradition, and the cost of Christmas decorations can add up, but buying a new set of lights can be more costly than selecting a few new ornaments.
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Secrets To Becoming a Successful Gambler


Gambling is a popular pastime, but it’s also quite lucrative for those who are willing to take the risks. But in order to become a successful gambler, there are certain secrets you must learn and abide by. However, the most essential thing alongside the secrets is picking up reputable online casino sites to maximize your profits and minimize your losses. Here, Smart Casino Guide will share some of these secrets so that you can increase your chances of becoming a successful gambler.
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Bacon Thing of The Day: Bacon Playing Cards

Bacon Playing Cards
Image Courtesy of Jane Geddis

Playing with a deck of these Bacon-themed cards would probably just make you hungry.

Tim Burton Character Playing Cards!

OMG this  is so cool:  a deck of playing cards emblazoned with colorful images of Tim Burton’s best loved characters, such as Stain Boy, Toxic Boy and Oyster Boy, among many others! Do you want them for your 7 year old boy? Each deck of collectible playing cards featuring the art of Tim Burton (deck measures 2-1/2″ x 3-1/2″ x 3/4″) sells for just $4.95 at This Link!