Tag Archives: themed

5 Poker Themed Ornaments for The Christmas Tree

hoto of a woman putting ornaments on a white christmas tree
Photo by Nadine Giza on Pexels.com

Everyone loves finding a pretty bauble or brightly-colored candy cane for the Christmas tree, but sometimes doesn’t it feel a little boring? Pulling out the same old lights and having the same decorations year after year every Christmas is getting repetitive. Maybe some people like tradition, and the cost of Christmas decorations can add up, but buying a new set of lights can be more costly than selecting a few new ornaments.
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Shark Attack Restroom!

shark exhibit building photo by gail worley
All Photo By Gail

What a crazy coincidence that, on the same day I read This Article, I found myself in what I am calling the Shark Attack Bathroom (!) which is located at the tail end of the Sharks exhibit at the New York Aquarium. Let’s take a safe peek.

shark bathroom photo by gail worley
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