Tag Archives: weed

Phrenology Model Hinged Case

Phrenology Head Hinged Case
Head Case!

You should stash your drugs in this.

Here we have a ceramic storage case shaped like a human head and adorned with markings that harken back to the long abandoned “science” of phrenology, which you can read about here. Because, why not? Then you can buy this rad Phrenology Head Hinged Case (measures 4″ x 6-1/2″ x 3-1/2″), which you can open and put stuff in. It would make a great House Warming Gift!

Phrenology Head Hinged Case Open


Obama with a Bald Eagle

I’m happy to say that I am moving back home tonight after 10 days of couch surfing, iPadding on the bus and living out of a bag. Thanks to everyone who helped make these past two weeks a little less hellish than they could have been.

Thanks to Felipe Bascope for the Image!