Coney Art Walls 2016: A Different View

Coney Art Walls 2016 Signage
All Photos By Gail

Geoffrey and I went out to Coney Island equipped with a minor agenda that included eating at Wahlburgers (disappointing), attending a concert at the new amphitheater (nice venue, underwhelming artist) and visiting the new-for-2016 Coney Art Walls. We saw the Art Walls Last Summer and they were amazing! Unfortunately, when we tried to enter the space this past weekend, we were told that they were closed for a private party, and that we could pay $15 if we wanted to gain admittance to see them, and also be subjected to what sounded like the worst music ever in the universe of all time. We declined. “Come back tomorrow,” we were told, but that wasn’t going to happen when a 90-minmute subway ride is involved.

Marie Roberts
Art By Marie Roberts

So, what I decided to do was take some photos of the walls that surround the exterior border of the Art Wall Pavilion (or whatever they call it) and also shove my camera between gaps in the chain link fence to get some other crappy shots. Because it was overcast and rainy out, so not great picture-taking weather anyway. You’re welcome.

John Ahearn, Haze Tribute to MCA
Foreground by John Ahearn, Background, A Tribute to MCA By Haze

New artists participating in the 2016 Art Walls include Nina Chanel Abney, John Ahearn, Timothy Curtis, D*Face, Jessica Diamond, Tristan Eaton, Gaia, Eric Haze, Icy & Sot, London Police, Nychos, Pose, Stephen Powers, Tats Cru, and Sam Vernon. Returning artists who created new works are Lady Aiko, Mister Cartoon, Crash, Daze, Tatyana Fazlalizadeh, and Marie Roberts.

Art By D*Face

Tristan Eaton
Art By Tristan Eaton

A few of the 2015 Walls are still on display, including those by Buff Monster, Eine, Ron English, How & Nosm, IRAK, Kashink, Lady Pink, Miss Van, RETNA, eL Seed and Sheryo & Yok. You can see some of those in last year’s post at This Link! There are also three community walls.

Nychos After Dark: Dissected Ronald McDonald

The Coney Art Walls are located at on Stillwell Avenue (right behind Nathan’s) at Coney Island, Brooklyn, NY 11224.

Cyclops Mermaid




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