Lindor Seasonal Truffles, The Perfect Holiday Confection Gift!

Lindor Truffle Display
Photos By Gail Except Where Obvious

Holiday chocolates are, seriously, the absolute best, amiright? I realize that Halloween has only just passed, and admonishing cries of “too soon” fill the air when we start going on about Christmas, when that day seems so far away at this point. But the truth is that seasonal confections are called ‘seasonal’ for a good reason. Holiday goodies are generally only available in stores for a limited time —  and if you snooze, you lose! At any rate, you can use the excuse that it is never too early to plan!

Lindor Truffle Display

If you are like me, one of your favorite holiday treats is the Lindor Truffle; the creamiest, most luscious chocolatey morsel you can buy for an outrageously reasonable price. So, imagine how difficult it has been for me to not yet have written about the new Lindor Truffle Holiday Flavors, especially since I’ve known about them since this past summer! You should thank me for showing such restraint. Yes, it was way back in July that I attended a holiday gift guide event (where these festive photos were taken) and had the chance to taste all of the new Lindor Truffle varieties that are making a limited-engagement appearance in stores just in time for your holiday parties and gift giving. Take a look!

Lindor Pumpkin Spice

Lindor Pumpkin Spice Truffles: A delicate milk chocolate shell envelops an irresistibly smooth pumpkin spice truffle filling. In keeping with the ubiquitous pumpkin spice craze that start as soon as there’s a chill in the air, these truffles have been available at retailers nationwide since August. SRP: $6.99

Lindor Peppermint White Chocolate Truffles

Lindor White Chocolate Peppermint Truffles: These delightful truffles feature a delicate white chocolate shell infused with peppermint pieces that envelops an irresistibly smooth peppermint truffle filling. I brought the sample bag I received at the show to the office to share with my co-workers, and everyone went crazy for them! SRP: $6.99

Lindor Peppermint Cookie Milk Chocolate Truffles

Lindor Peppermint Cookie Truffles arrive in wildly festive Lindor package design that’s so gorgeous, you don’t even have to wrap it! Just stick a bow on this bag that contains Lindor Milk Chocolate truffles infused with Peppermint and Chocolate Cookie Pieces. Insane! These Truffles are available exclusively at Target stores for just  $4.49 per bag. Totally worth a subway ride to Target, I say! pick up a few extra bags for last minute gifts!

Find out more about Lindor Truffles and the entire line of fine Lindt brand Swiss chocolates, and shop online, at This Link! Happy Holidaze!

Lindor Holiday Truffes

One thought on “Lindor Seasonal Truffles, The Perfect Holiday Confection Gift!”

  1. No way. No freakin’ way. Lindt’s Lindor Truffles are my all time favorite everyday candy. (As opposed to my all time favorite seasonal candy – Cadbury Creme Eggs.) I kinda wish Lindor Truffles weren’t as popular as they are, as it would make my loving them seem more hoighty toighty. Whatever the hell that means. But they really are delicious, so I get it.

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