Tag Archives: cookie

Lindor Seasonal Truffles, The Perfect Holiday Confection Gift!

Lindor Truffle Display
Photos By Gail Except Where Obvious

Holiday chocolates are, seriously, the absolute best, amiright? I realize that Halloween has only just passed, and admonishing cries of “too soon” fill the air when we start going on about Christmas, when that day seems so far away at this point. But the truth is that seasonal confections are called ‘seasonal’ for a good reason. Holiday goodies are generally only available in stores for a limited time —  and if you snooze, you lose! At any rate, you can use the excuse that it is never too early to plan!
Continue reading Lindor Seasonal Truffles, The Perfect Holiday Confection Gift!

Japanese Confectioner Malebranche Launches Maru Cha Cha Cookie With a Fun Party At The Whitney!

Maru Cha Cha Packaging
All Photos By Gail

Food and Art go together; so what better venue could there be for throwing a cookie launch party than an actual art museum? We were recently invited to the Whitney Museum of American Art on Gansevoort Street to celebrate leading Japanese French-style confectioner Malebranche’s U.S. launch of its Maru Cha Cha matcha-based  biscuits, and the evening was a terrific mix of food, art and Japanese culture.

Whitney Museum Exterior Elevation
Whitney Museum with the High Line in the Foreground

The event went beyond the traditional cocktail party to include not only cocktails and delicious passed appetizers, but also tastings of the unique Maru Cha Cha cookies, including an indulgent Trifle dessert recipe by James Beard Award-winning Chef Michael Anthony. Guests had the chance to meet and mingle with the Japanese brand-influencers behind Malebranche  (a high end bakery in Japan) and to learn what Matcha — the key ingredient in the Maru Cha Cha biscuits — is all about.
Continue reading Japanese Confectioner Malebranche Launches Maru Cha Cha Cookie With a Fun Party At The Whitney!

Shark Attack Cookie Cutter

Shark Attack Cookie Cutter
Image Source

Shark Attack in your Cookie Jar!

Macaroon Limoge Trinket Box!

Macaroon Limoge Trinket Box

Long after the Macaroon (or Macaron, as they are known in hip confectionery circles) craze has died down, you can still recall the time when you ate too many of these sweet treats when you are stashing your jewelry in one of these hinged boxes that look like a delicious Macaron!

Macaroon Limoge Trinket Box Features:

  • Keepsake and jewelry hinged box shaped like a Macaroon
  • Ceramic Material
  • Color: Rose, Light Pink, Peach, Light Lavender, Light Yellow, Pistachio – collect them all!
  • Size: 2-1/4″ dia. x 1″

Sale Priced at just $9.95. (Sadly this item is no longer available!)

Babo & Cookie Uglydoll Salt & Pepper Shaker Set

Babo Cookie Uglydoll Salt Pepper Shakers

Babo & Cookie – Uglydoll Salt & Pepper Shaker Features:

  • Glazed Ceramic Salt and Pepper Shakers
  • Shaped like your favorite Uglydoll Characters
  • Hand painted details
  • Rubber stopper at bottom
  • Size (Babo): 2-3/4″ x 3″ x 1-3/4″
  • Size (Cookie): 2″ x 2″ x 1″

Sale Priced at just $14.95, order a set for yourself, or as a cool gift, now at This Link!