East Village Life: Photos of Storefronts From My Neighborhood Walks

Savasana Station Yoga Photo By Gail Worley
Savasana Station Yoga Studio Security Gate Mural (All Photos By Gail)

When the only outdoor activity that’s still permitted is taking a walk, it’s important to give your walks a purpose. As the Covid Life hit us back in mid-March, I started collecting what you might call ‘mundane’ pictures on my iPhone camera roll during my afternoon jaunts; documenting things I see in the East Village in order to share the stories these photos tell about the people who live in my awesome neighborhood. For as long as this shit lasts, I’ll be publishing a thematic weekly series of photo-blog posts featuring snapshots from my East Village Life, so that we all might feel more connected. This week’s theme is Storefronts. Enjoy!

clash city tattoo photo by gail worley

Clash City Tattoo located at 273 E 10th Street, takes its name from the song “Clash City Rocker” which you can find on the 1977 debut album by, you guessed it, The Clash.

pyramid club avenue a photo by Gail Worley

This is the Pyramid Club, a nightclub on Avenue A that’s been open since 1979 — wow! Nirvana once played there before they got to be a big deal, and I interviewed a few rockers inside its walls back in my rock critic days. They still host weekly ’80s New Wave dance parties and shit like that. I believe Pyramid Club will survive the Covid crisis.

readings by honeybee photo by gail worley

The handwritten sign posted out front of Psychic Readings By Honeybee, which is also on Avenue A near 14th Street, indicates that, despite their storefront being closed for business, they are still conducting “Readings Over The Phone.” One wonders why their advance psychic knowledge of the upcoming shutdown did not provided ample time to have a more professional sign prepared.

Narrow Storefront photo by gail worley

Illumina East: another Yoga and Meditation center, located on Avenue B.

Corona Sign in Bar Window Photo By Gail Worley

I couldn’t resist.

josies bar photo by gail worley

Josie’s is a dive bar located at 520 East 6th Street.

psychic crystals readings photo by gail worley

The next few photos were taken on an absolutely freezing cold and grey drab Friday afternoon when I took the bus for first time in a month across town to 8th Avenue because I was bored out of my mind and desperately needed a change of scenery.

mobil station photo by gail worley

This Mobil station is probably one of about three gas stations still in existence in Manhattan.

8th avenue chelsea photo by gail

The shitty weather is not what is keeping people off the street.

rock magazine covers photo by gail worley

This is the window of Casa Magazines at 22 8th Avenue. What year is it, again?

white building and white tree photo by gail worley

This photo of a white building and a white flowering tree was taken on a beautiful day, as you can see. This is First Avenue just south of 14th Street. I love my hood.

broadway storefront photo by gail worley

You just can’t stop the vandals, bitches. Photo of Blades taken on Broadway between Bond and Bleecker. This was Easter weekend.

houston street with billboard photo by gail worley

Behold East Houston Street, about a block from where David Bowie used to live.

crif dog eat me photo by gail worley

And here I am back in the East Village on a Friday evening, during a brief respite from the rain. Criff Dogs on St. Mark’s Place near Avenue A sells specialty hot dogs, some wrapped in bacon and deep fried! It’s also home to the ‘secret phone booth’ entrance to Please Don’t Tell, one of the EV’s popular speakeasies. That’s all I got right now, but I may add more photos to this post if I have any worthy contenders.

Next Week’s Theme: Street Art!

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