Tag Archives: cliff dogs

East Village Life: Photos of Storefronts From My Neighborhood Walks

Savasana Station Yoga Photo By Gail Worley
Savasana Station Yoga Studio Security Gate Mural (All Photos By Gail)

When the only outdoor activity that’s still permitted is taking a walk, it’s important to give your walks a purpose. As the Covid Life hit us back in mid-March, I started collecting what you might call ‘mundane’ pictures on my iPhone camera roll during my afternoon jaunts; documenting things I see in the East Village in order to share the stories these photos tell about the people who live in my awesome neighborhood. For as long as this shit lasts, I’ll be publishing a thematic weekly series of photo-blog posts featuring snapshots from my East Village Life, so that we all might feel more connected. This week’s theme is Storefronts. Enjoy!

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