How To Build A Capsule Wardrobe That Represents Your Style

capsule wardrobe
Photo by Ksenia Chernaya on

As we continue into 2022 with the hope that we will be able to venture out freely, walk into our offices and attend social events, the one thing we need to focus on is our wardrobe. For many of us, the pandemic put an end to our social life and we stopped spending money on our clothes. But now it’s time to simplify our lives and get things in order — this means working on an updated wardrobe. If you are a minimalist and don’t like an overflowing closet, you may want to consider building a capsule wardrobe.

Many of us have realized that we own more items than what we really need. As we start to dress-up again after many months spent at home, it’s time to figure out what we really want to keep in our closets. It doesn’t make sense to have pieces hanging in the wardrobe for far too long. Our relationship with fashion may have changed dramatically as we spent time in the house, but now is the right time to work towards building a wardrobe that reflects your style and focuses more on quality over quantity. Here’s how you can build a capsule wardrobe.

woman with shoes in closet
Photo by Christian Diokno on

Identify Your Style

First, start thinking of your favorite pieces of clothing in your wardrobe and identify your signature style. Are you gravitating towards the classic, timeless looks or do you feel more comfortable in minimal pieces? Are you someone who enjoys an element of playfulness in your outfit or do you like to keep it basic and neutral? Think about how your favorite clothes and accessories make you feel, and that will help pick your signature style. If you are unable to identify your style, you need to look at the people you admire and what you like about their style, and what they wear — then consider if it suits you as well. It will become much easier to build a capsule wardrobe once you have an idea of your personal style or have a vision of who you are.

woman standing in corridor with white t shirt
Photo by Angela Roma on

Pick The Basics

Once you know your style, you can start with the basics and look at the pieces that let your style shine. Do not think of basics as boring; they are the foundation of every wardrobe and essential for the capsule wardrobe. You will have a framework to build upon since the foundational pieces hold up the rest of the outfit. It could be basic t-shirts, a cardigan sweater, jeans, formal women’s designer dresses, pattern blouses, simple jewelry, and flats, and it is anything but boring.

pink and white wardrobe
Photo by Anastasia Shuraeva on

Choose a Color Palette

A capsule wardrobe does not have to avoid color altogether. The idea is to identify a color palette that flatters you. Start looking for colors that work with your skin type and are in for the current season. There are four main categories of colors including the shades, hues, tones, and tints. You need to identify the shades that work best for you and pick a few pieces in that color. All the colors in your wardrobe should harmonize well so that you can wear anything together and you will not be limited to the colors in the capsule.

Start Shopping Your Wardrobe

Once you have the colors in mind, you should head straight to the closet. Pick pieces you already have that reflect your personal style and that look flattering on you. Choose the clothes that you would be happy to wear regularly and look for clothing that works well with the designated color palette. If you have pieces you wear and then immediately take off, then they are not your style. You may admire them on someone else but would never feel confident when wearing them, so do not even consider them.

colorful wardrobe
Photo by Artem Beliaikin on

Add The Classic Style Twists

You can add unique style and twists to your outfit. The wardrobe basics do not always have to be basic. You can give the peplum hem a classic look or the striped tee a leather trim. If you do not like to alter your clothes, you can consider adding accessories that give them an edge. Add stylish earrings or wear classic sandals to complete the look.

Fill In The Rest

Now that you have the basics, you know your style and have all the favorites laid out, it is time to fill in the rest. Figure out what is missing from the capsule wardrobe and prepare a shopping list. When you have an idea of what looks good on you, it is easier to shop. Choose items that suit your personality and style well.

Building a capsule wardrobe is easy when you have an idea of what you’re looking for. Don’t head to the store right away, identify what you have and make a list of what you need. This will make the process much easier.

assorted clothes hanged inside cabinet
Photo by Victoria Borodinova on occasionally accepts sponsored content. For more information, view our advertising policy Here.

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