Why Private Event Restaurants are the Perfect Choice for Intimate Gatherings

area 15 private event space

It may seem like Covid dealt a deadly blow to the restaurant industry, but it’s made a rebound and is still going strong. Across the US, there are a whopping 630,000 restaurants to choose from. That’s a lot of choices until you consider most of them are public, which means there wil be lots of people, lots of noise, and limited reservations for big groups like those at your private events.

Restaurants with private event spaces may be harder to find, and more expensive, making them less appealing as options.

Are private event restaurants worth it, all things considered? Yes, and here are the reasons why.

Private Event Restaurants Offer More Space

It can quickly feel crowded if you host your work dinner at a Red Lobster. Restaurant spaces are often small, with tables packed tight together to fit as many guests as possible. There’s barely enough room to so much as walk down the aisle, let alone push your chair back.

If you plan your next event at Area 15, you actually get a chance to breathe. A restaurant private event space is roomy, perfect for everyone to stretch their legs and walk off that big meal. You won’t feel the same claustrophobia as a loaded New York diner or a bustling Teppanyaki.

They Offer Better Food Selection

People bond over food, but not just any food. You might have a family heritage that is tied closely to the cuisine of the old country. If you only have an Olive Garden in town, that’s not going to please your grandmother from Sicily.

Restaurants that host private events cater their food to your needs. The cooks are versatile and able to tackle recipes of all kinds. There’s no longer a need to limit private events just because the kitchen is confined to a limited menu.

The Service Is Better

The key to a successful private event is keeping the wine glasses full and the bottomless fries topped up. Just go to any busy restaurant and you’ll see this is rarely the case. Waiters and waitresses are overworked, tackling multiple tables at once.

Your private event is going to go off a lot better with a venue built for it. Your service staff will only have your table to deal with rather than a full house. They’ll be able to provide customized, perfect service for your group rather than letting the same become a damper on the mood.

Your Event Can Be More Flexible

A reservation at a public restaurant doesn’t give you many options beyond the eating part. Something as simple as group karaoke or a Jeopardy-style game is out of the question. Switch to a private venue and anything on the docket is easily in the realm of possibility.

Schedule Your Private Event Today

Private event restaurants are a far better alternative to a reservation at a public restaurant. You get more space, better food, and better service overall. Perhaps most importantly, you are offered the flexibility to organize your event (plus activities) in any way you see fit.

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