Tag Archives: Editor

Become an Author Making TOP TikTok Videos with the VJump App

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If editing TikTok videos is your professional field, favorite activity,  or just a hobby, then why not try monetizing it by offering your ideas to others? The VJump platform and its unique offer for authors can help you with making TOP TikTok videos. It’s an excellent choice for those interested in monetizing their hobby.
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Remembering Bill Miller

Bill M and Gail
Me with Bill at a Modern Drummer Party

On This Date, December 12th, in 2008, Modern Drummer Editor Bill Miller passed away after a long and hard-fought battle with melanoma. Bill was just 47 years old. I still miss Bill every day and I know that everyone at Modern Drummer does as well. He was not only a great editor who taught me so much about drumming and how to write about drummers, he was also a good friend. Rest in Peace, Bill.

RIP Metal Edge Magazine

Run To The Hills

It was this past Tuesday morning that I received an email in my box with the ominous subject heading: “Bad News.” Seeing that the email came from my editor at Metal Edge Magazine, I did not need to be a brain surgeon, or to even have a brain, to know that any email coming from an editor that promises “Bad News” even before you open it can only mean one thing – that magazine is about to fold. And so it is with the great Metal Edge, which will close-up shop on Tuesday, February 11th after sending its final issue to the printer. Phil Freeman (said editor) asked all of us newly axed writers to please keep our fat mouths shut for a week until the closing could be made official, but obviously that was too great a request, as “anonymous sources” had blabbed the news to Metal Sucks and The Daily Swarm by the following afternoon.  So I don’t want anyone to think I’m late to the party here with the Breaking News. It’s just that I didn’t want to be a dick.