Tag Archives: Red Paint Dollops

By Proxy Group Exhibition at James Cohan Gallery

Play It By Trust
All Photos By Gail

James Cohan Gallery is currently hosting a diverse a group exhibition entitled By Proxy, which Geoffrey and I stumbled upon during our most recent art crawl.

Oliver Laric Yuanmingyuan Columns,
Oliver Laric, Yuanmingyuan Columns

The exhibit title, By Proxy, referes to what Marcel Duchamp called “aesthetic osmosis” — the process by which an artist transfers responsibility to a viewer, empowering them to complete the work out in the world. This idea, of art as shared enterprise, is the theme of this exhibition. Here, the word proxy encompasses the tools and techniques that complete artworks away from the artist’s hand. This exhibition is concerned with those tools and techniques, the effects they can have, and the instances when an idea calls for more than just the artist to take form.

Xu Zhen Eternity
Xu Zhen, Eternity – Aphrodite of Knidos

By Proxy includes Duchamp’s assisted readymade With Hidden Noise, a ball of string with an unknown object rattling inside it; embroidery works by Alighiero Boetti; three drawings from John Cage’s 1990 series River Rocks and Smoke, in which chance operations are performed by smoke settling in the fibers of the paper; Oliver Laric’s Yuanmingyuan Columns, a new work created with 3D scans of Chinese cultural artifacts ensconced in Bergen, Norway; Yoko Ono’s seminal chess set and war allegory Play it By Trust; and a work from Xu Zhen’s recent Eternity series, which juxtaposes the East and West by mounting headless replicas of key Hellenistic and Buddhist sculptures neck to neck.

Play It By Trust Chess Board

Play It By Trust, Chess Board Detail (above) and Sign (below), which appears on the backs of each chair.

Play It By Trust

XU ZHEN Under Heaven
Xu Zhen, Under Heaven

Pink Paint Dollops Detail
Detail from Above Painting

The exhibition incorporates work from the past century to the present day. Participating artists are Francis Alÿs, Alighiero Boetti, John Cage, Marcel Duchamp, Wade Guyton, Oliver Laric, Lee Mingwei, Sol LeWitt, Yoko Ono, Jon Rafman, Mariah Robertson, Siebren Versteeg and Xu Zhen. Definitely worth checking out.

Wade Guyton Untitled, 2007
Wade Guyton, Untitled, 2007 (Left): Marcel Duchamp, With Hidden Noise (Right)

By Proxy will be on Exhibit Through January 17th, 2015 at James Cohan Gallery, Located at 533 West 26th Street, in the chelsea Gallery District. Hours are Tuesday – Saturday, 10:00 AM – 6:00 PM.

By Proxy Signage