Tag Archives: robyn hitchcock

Instagram Photo of The Week: Gail Meets Robyn Hitchcock!

For Mother’s Day, I’m giving you want you want most: a photo of me with a famous person! This shot of me with Robyn Hitchcock was taken at a very crowded press preview at Morrison Hotel Gallery on Prince Street in SoHo at least ten years ago,  judging by the style of frames I’m wearing. I had met Robyn many years earlier at a Grant Lee Buffalo show in Seattle, and we share a mutual friend, so we were able to carry on a somewhat interesting conversation beyond me recognizing him as a famous person. The reason I have that sly look on my face is due to my friend Anne attempting to sneak a photo of us. I do not photograph so well in profile, so I wanted to turn my head and save the shot. Mission accomplished!

Follow Me On Instragam at @WorleyGigDotCom!