Tag Archives: sanitizer

Product Review: Disinfect & Shield 24-Hour Mask Shield

mask shield product photo by gail worley
All Photos By Gail

Thanks to the successful rollout of the Covid-19 vaccine, we can finally start to think about the possibility of traveling during the pandemic. But while the numbers may be down, we still have to  remain cautious and take the basic steps (masking up, washing hands frequently, and keeping socially distant) to ensure our health and safety while on vacation. With that in mind, one item you will want to toss into your carry-on is a travel-size bottle of Disinfect & Shield 24 Hour Face Mask/Fabric Sanitizer.

Unlike traditional disinfectants on the market, Disinfect & Shield is non-toxic and completely safe for use around humans, animals, and plants. Disinfect & Shield has been tested to destroy viruses, bacteria, molds, and fungi, including strains of SARS, H1N1, E. Coli, EBOLA and harmful microbes including COVID-19 on contact.

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