Tag Archives: shoes

Nike Aquarium Sneaker

Walk On Water

I once owned a pair of plain, no-frills, black leather Nike sneakers, and they were pretty cool. I wore them until they disintegrated off my feet. You can’t even buy regular Nike’s anymore. Now they all look like this. Rad.

Link Via Neatorama

Bacon Thing of The Day: Bacon Shoes!

Bacon Shoes

How cute are these Bacon Print Keds Sneakers? Not sure if they’re off the rack or custom made, but you can’t say they’re not eye-catching!

Thanks to Allee Willis Kitsch O’ The Day Via Neatorama.

Stomp Out The Undead With These Zombie High Heeled Shoes!

Even if it would be nearly impossible to run from Zombies while wearing them, these Shoes are truly awesome! Thanks to Neatorama for the Tip!

How I Stopped Worrying And Learned to Love iTunes

Fad Gadget
“Feel the blaaaade…”

Since 100% of the music I featured on my various radio shows, way back when I was a pretty fucking fabulous DJ, is on vinyl – and I haven’t owned a turntable in 20 years – iTunes has surfaced as a nothing-short-of -miraculous way for me to recreate many of my righteous playlists from the early ‘80s. And that just rules.
Continue reading How I Stopped Worrying And Learned to Love iTunes