Tag Archives: Teenager

Video Clip of The Week: The Rich Hands, “Teenager”


Was it easier to be a teenager in the ’50s, ’60s or even ’70s? I was a teenager during one of those decades and I’d say yes, yes it was easier. And you know why? Because life was just way fucking simpler. Back then, my worst problems were waiting for the latest Queen or Who album to be released so I could get a ride to the record store and buy it before any of my friends, coping with “Busy Signals” when making a phone call in the time before Call Waiting existed and dealing with my stupid parents. Teenagers today probably still have that last problem, but their lives are also infinitely complicated by needing to have the latest technological gadget that fits in your hand, which spawns endless problems in and of itself. Hand to God, you could not pay me to be a teenager in 2014. Ugh.

In this Black and White video for the garage rock rave up, “Teenager,” rock trio The Rich Hands lament about another universal issue — but one that is especially overwhelming to the teenage mind and body – falling in love. Interspersed with live action performance shots from this very fun band, you’ll see vintage (my guess, late 50s?) footage of teenagers dancing, going to movies, tailgating, dressing up for some kind of formal party and, in general, having fun without the obsessive need to look at their smart phones every 15 seconds. If there was any doubt that the featured footage is authentic, I am pretty sure I recognize a young Dick York (the original Darren on Bewitched) at the 18 second mark.

Recommended if you dig the music of The Ramones and Elvis Presley, The Rich Hands‘ new record, Out of My Head, is out May 6th on Burger and Fountain Records. Enjoy!

Rich Hands Band
Image Courtesy of Riot Act Media

Teenager Finds Baby Bat In Her Bra


This is a fun story. Apparently, a young hotel worker in England was “surprised” to discover that a baby bat had been hiding in her bra for several hours before its movements (which were originally mistaken for the vibrating of her cell phone) prompted closer inspection. I’m just thinking that she must have been wearing a pretty big bra for her to not notice that a fucking bat was hiding in there! I mean, I’m hauling around an impressive rack myself, and I think I’d notice if there was a bat in my bra. Geez.