Tag Archives: gif

Animated Gif of The Day: Dancing Pig!

This animated gif is kind of ghetto, but I love it anyway, because it is a dancing pig.

Teenager Finds Baby Bat In Her Bra


This is a fun story. Apparently, a young hotel worker in England was “surprised” to discover that a baby bat had been hiding in her bra for several hours before its movements (which were originally mistaken for the vibrating of her cell phone) prompted closer inspection. I’m just thinking that she must have been wearing a pretty big bra for her to not notice that a fucking bat was hiding in there! I mean, I’m hauling around an impressive rack myself, and I think I’d notice if there was a bat in my bra. Geez.

Happy Mother’s Day: I’m on Vacation in California


More rad posts about the West Coast will be on the way next week, once I recover from all this fine sun and delicious food. Happy Mother’s Day!

Gail On The Web: StarPolish!

Starpolish Logo

Just posted in the Starpolish.com Critics’ Corner are four new reviews from yours truly: Tel Aviv-based melodic rockers DMA, appropriately named, shitty garage-punk band Monstrous, and not-one-but-two rappers: GIF (Harlem) and D.E.V.O. (California). Check out my Reviews to find out which artist does a song that I described as “a multi-layered, electronic beat-heavy instrumental piece that sounds like the theme to some futuristic spy thriller where the robots conquer the humans, or something like that.”