Breaking Bad-Inspired Burger Recipe: The Heisenberger!

The Heisenberger

Well, the day we’ve been anticipating with a mix of excitement and dread has come – the day when we must finally bid farewell to the greatest TV Show Ever in the Universe of All time: Breaking Bad. Are you hosting a viewing party or perhaps even a BBQ to mourn/celebrate while watching the finale? If so, The Savory has been kind enough to help you relax and untangle the knots in your stomachs with an epic burger recipe: The Hoisin Burger (aka The Heisenberger)!!

Sweet, tangy and spicy hoisin sauce kicks up beef patties and spices up mayo in this Breaking Bad-inspired beef burger recipe. You can make these as regular burgers or sliders for a group.

Here’s what you’ll need:

· 1lb ground beef

· ½ green onion, minced

· 2 cloves garlic, minced

· 2 teaspoons cilantro, minced

· 2 Tablespoons ginger, minced

· 1 Tablespoon hoisin sauce

· 1 teaspoon sesame oil

· 1 Tablespoon soy sauce

· Black pepper to taste

Combine all ingredients, being careful not to over-mix. Shape into patties and grill to desired done-ness. Makes 4 quarter-pound burgers. If desired, top with Marie’s Purple Slaw and chase with a couple of chilled Blue Sky Cocktails!!

Thanks to The Savory Dot Com!

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