Tag Archives: biden harris

“Bye, Don” Security Gate Mural on Avenue B

dump loser mural photo by gail worley
Photo By Gail

Ugh, gross. I hate looking at Dump’s hideous face but, thank god, he is on his way out. I don’t know the artist who painted this mural on the security gate of a vacant storefront, but I love how they captured the essence of his idiotic, extra-long, red tie by painting it out onto the sidewalk. Also, what a facial likeness, right?
Continue reading “Bye, Don” Security Gate Mural on Avenue B

Fingers Crossed For a Biden / Harris Victory and a Blue Wave!

dump art by heck sign photo by gail worley
Ya Basta! (Art by HeckSign, All Photos By Gail)

While the Worley Gig tries to stay out of politics (for the most part), it is no secret that I am a left-leaning lady who has no love for the Orange Clown in the Whitehouse who’s been destroying our country with his relentless stupidity and corruption for the past four years. I’m so over it. It was my pleasure to wait on line for 2 and 1/2 hours on a Saturday to get my early vote in and get this piece of shit out. Biden / Harris for The Win, Baby.
Continue reading Fingers Crossed For a Biden / Harris Victory and a Blue Wave!

Video Clip of The Week: Wyld Olde Souls, “For What It’s Worth”

Yeah I know, I haven’t posted a Video Clip of The Week since before the start of Covid, and that was another lifetime ago. I admit I have not been listening to any new music, because I’m just not feeling it. But with the election coming up, and the stakes being as high as they are, I have started to revisit music that has influenced me deeply; particularly where the lyrics resonate with the current state of our society and our world. One of the classic songs that I just can’t shake free from my brain is “For What It’s Worth” written by Stephen Stills in 1966, and recorded by his band at the time, Buffalo Springfield. If you aren’t familiar with the song, take a look at the lyrics:

There’s something happening here
But what it is ain’t exactly clear
There’s a man with a gun over there
A-telling me, I got to beware

I think it’s time we stop
Children, what’s that sound?
Everybody look what’s going down . . .

Yeah, heavy. It’s probably no coincidence then that musicians of a certain age are also feeling this song, and why The Wyld Olde Souls are back after a long hiatus with a faithful cover of “For What It’s Worth” that’s as relevant as ever in tumultuous 2020.

Please enjoy their modern take and vote in November as if your life depends upon it. Our future and core beliefs of who we are as Americans and citizens of the Universe are at stake.

Get more information on how to Register to Vote in Your State at This Link!