Tag Archives: Mix

Krusteaz Gluten Free Double Chocolate Brownie Mix

Krusteaz Box
All Photos By Gail

Everyone probably has a memory of brownies baked at home: helping Mom with the mixing and getting to lick the spoon, then enjoying the tempting chocolate aroma filling the kitchen as they baked, waiting impatiently for them to be done and – at last – biting into that still warm chewy chocolate brownie. Ahh, you know you can almost taste them now.

If you enjoy eating fresh baked goods but really need to keep the bake-at-home preparation simple, then you are going to love Krusteaz brand Gluten Free Double Chocolate Brownie Mix, which will be in stores in late August/ early September! Krusteaz sent us over a box for review and I baked them this past weekend. It was so easy and the results were beyond my expectations.

Krusteaz Ready to Bake

This is all you will need to have on hand:

1 egg
1/3 cup vegetable oil
1/3 cup water

Krusteaz Back of Box

The instructions are so simple a child could do it. Seriously, it is impossible to mess it up.

Krusteaz from Oven

Baking times suggest 48 – 52 minutes for a metal pan and five minutes longer for a glass pan. My oven is ancient and runs a little hot, so I opted for 48 minutes and they still got a little “brown” around the edges. I just cut that part off. No harm, no foul.

Krusteaz Finished Product

Take a look at the finished product: moist, chewy, and super chocolaty with tons of real chocolate chips in the mix! You would never know this is a Gluten Free Brownie because it lacks for nothing with regard to taste and texture. With Krusteaz you can have delicious home-baked Brownies in about an hour.

For more information on Krusteaz Baking Mixes and to find a store near you that sells them, visit Krusteaz Dot Com.