Tag Archives: pez candy

Marcel Duchamp Rmutt Urinal Pez Dispenser

Rmutt Pez Dispenser
Photos By Gail

In the tradition of Marcel Duchamp’s Ready-Mades, this 3D printed Pez dispenser by British artist Tom Burtonwood (in the likeness of Duchamp’s Fountain sculpture) combines high and low, pop and populous, and art and kitsch.

Available in the gift shop at the New Museum of Contemporary Art for $70, discounted to $59.50 for Members!

Rmutt Pez Dispenser Detaiil
Rmutt Pez Dispenser Detail

Pink Thing of the Day: Piglet Pez Dispenser

Piglet Pez Dispenser
Image Source

Aw, how cute is this Piglet Pez Dispenser? Super SQUEE!