Tag Archives: Piglet

Pink Thing of The Day: Piglet Made Of Flowers!

Piglet Made From Flowers
Photo By Gail

Here at ‘The Gig, we are having a bit of a Spring Fling, as NYC transitions from one cold, wet season to a different but almost equally cold, wet season! Why is spring in this part of the country so freaking cold? I am already over it, as the kids say! As I do whatever I can to keep the fantasy of warmer weather alive in my head, please enjoy this week’s Pink Thing: a sculpture of Winnie The Pooh’s best pal of Piglet made entirely of beautiful pink floral blooms! I took this photo at Walt Disney World in Orlando, Florida  one hot summer longer ago than I can remember.

Pink Thing of the Day: Piglet Pez Dispenser

Piglet Pez Dispenser
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Aw, how cute is this Piglet Pez Dispenser? Super SQUEE!

Cuteness Alert: Piglet with Pink Heart Shaped Glasses

Pig With Pink Glasses
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Pink Thing of The Day: Piglet Hat and Diaper Cover Set

Pink Piglet Crocheted Baby Outfit
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This little crocheted Pink Piglet Outfit seems wasted on such small baby (which in this case appears to actually be a doll), but it would certainly not be as cute in an adult size.

Cuteness Alert: Baby Pig Napping with Stuffed Pig

Baby Pig Napping
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The Cuteness. This photo makes me want to nap.