Tag Archives: story

The Last Mortician: Creepy and Compelling!

Writer Tim Hall and Cartoonist/Illustrator Dean Haspiel have collaborated on an intriguing short story — told in the form of a graphic novel — entitled The Last Mortician, which has been published at literary website Tor. The dystopian vision of this brief but powerful tale focuses on a time in the future when mankind has opted to trade the ability to procreate for the questionable “gift” of eternal life. I loved the story and the illustrations, and just wish it had been longer. Maybe Tim and Dean will turn it into a movie script?!
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Hilarious Post It Note Story: Man Not Superman

Man Not Superman

Man Not Superman is the hilarious story of what happens when an ordinary guy dates Lois Lane, who is on the rebound from Superman. Story by Jonathan Goldstein, Post-it Note illustrations courtesy of cartoonist Arthur Jones, awaiting your peels of giddy laughter right now at This Link. (Note: The Original Post-It Note Stories Link Appears to Be Dead, But You Can Listen to an Audio Version of the Story at This Link).

Thanks to Neatorama for the tip!