Tag Archives: united states

The United States of Meat

United States of Meat
Mmm…Delicious Meat Map (Image Source)

There is something so compelling about a raw steak shaped like our country. It makes me want to eat it, yes, but it also makes me want to find out more about where such a steak might have come from. In this case, it is part of a photo book by Dominic Episcopo, called Meat America.

You can find out more about Meat America, and order a copy for yourself, at This Link.

United States of Bacon to Premiere on December 30th, 2012

United States of Bacon
Pictured: Something that Contains Bacon (Image Source)

From the Huffington Post:

It was only a matter of time before there was a television series devoted to bacon. Bacon fiends should start setting their DVRs because the Destination America channel, owned by Discovery, will premiere United States of Bacon on December 30th at 10:00 and 10:30 PM. Continue reading United States of Bacon to Premiere on December 30th, 2012