Pink Thing of The Day: Pink Glitter French Fries Sculpture

pink glitter french fries betsy enzensberger photo by gail worley
Photos By Gail

When I spotted this sparkling resin sculpture replicating a batch of glitter-drizzled Pink French Fries — intermingled with what looks to me like Pot Leaves —  at the recent Affordable Art Fair, I immediately thought another artist was highjacking the ideas of whimsical pop artist Betsy Enzensberger, but I was mistaken.

pink glitter french fries betsy enzensberger photo by gail worley

It turned out that the sculpture was one of Enzensberger’s and she was actually exhibiting in two different booths — good for her! The Pink Fries, which are part of a set called Royale with Cheese Burger and Fries were on display at Art Unified Gallery of Los Angeles.

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