Tag Archives: crazy cat lady

Yes, It Exists: The Crazy Cat Lady Game

Crazy Cat Lady Game
“Go Cat Crazy!”

Pictured above, we see my lovely friend Ivy posing with a board game called The Crazy Cat Lady Game. Said game is yet another genius item we found at Greystone Gardens during Berkshires Adventure Weekend 2012. We do not know the exact rules of the game, but we are pretty sure that possession of at least a dozen cats is a prerequisite.
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Dale Bozzio is a Crazy Cat Lady

Dale Bozzio in 2003, Still Looks Pretty Good!

This weeks’ breaking story about former Missing Persons’ lead singer Dale Bozzio hoarding and mistreating dozens of cats is sad on so many levels. Not just for the fact that Bozzio neglected numerous pets to the point where they either died on their own or had to be put down due to illness, but because this situation shows just how far she’s fallen since she was a New Wave Popstar Queen back in the ‘80s. People worshipped Dale Bozzio back then. And now she’s just a crazy cat lady living in a filthy log cabin in the middle of nowhere and trying to get her fifteen minutes back. That’s just sad.