Tag Archives: Ghostbusters

Eye On Design: Gown for Leslie Jones Designed By Christian Siriano

Christian Siriano Red Dress
All Photos By Gail

Christian Siriano designed this dress for actress Leslie Jones to wear to a film premiere. Jones had tweeted that due to her physique, no fashion designer was willing to dress her for red carpet events. Siriano responded to her, saying he would be proud to design a dress for her.

Leslie Jones In Red Dress

The result was this stunning Red Silk Crepe Faille floor-length gown that she wore to the 2016 premiere of Ghostbusters, and Jones looks fantastic in it. This situation sparked a public debate about the marginalization of certain body types by contemporary brands.

Christian Siriano Red Dress

Photographed as Part of the Exhibit The Body: Fashion and Physique, On View at the Museum at FIT Through May 5th, 2018.

Stay Puft Marshmallow Man on Third Avenue

Stay Puft
All Photos By Gail

It rarely fails that when I am waiting for the downtown bus on Third Avenue and 14th Street, a completely batshit insane individual will walk up and try to engage me in conversation. I am not sure if it is just a wild coincidence, or something about the location of that particular bus stop that attracts the crazies, but it has happened on more occasions than I would care to recall. And when it happened again just yesterday, I was fortunately able to remove myself from the situation by wandering up the street to snap this photo of the Stay Puft Marshmallow Man happily attracting Halloween shoppers into Ricky’s, which is across the street from the bus stop.

Rickys Storefront

Ricky’s of NYC: for your one-stop Halloween costume shopping needs!