Tag Archives: hamburger time

Hamburger Time(r)!

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The Hamburger Time(r): So You Always Know When It’s Hamburger Time!

Hamburger Time for Malcolm McLaren: 1946 – 2010

Here is a statement from Sex Pistols’ guitarist Steve Jones about Malcolm McLaren, who passed away on April 8th at age 64 from cancer.

“I was upset when I heard the news, as I’ve always had a soft spot for Malcolm.  I knew him since I was 17 before The Pistols formed — I used to drive him around in Vivienne Westwood’s car to the tailors in London in the days of the Let It Rock clothing store.  Malcolm was definitely the Brian Epstein of punk — without him it wouldn’t have happened the way it did. I stayed friends with him throughout the years despite some of our differences. He came on Jonesy’s Jukebox a couple of years ago, and that’s a good memory.  But my fondest memory of Malcolm, and I loved the guy, was his birthday gift to me when I turned 21 — he got me a hooker and some heroin.”

— Steve Jones, 4/9/2010