Tag Archives: happy meal

Smile Your Way Into 2012!

Facebite Graphic By Leslie Tucker
FaceBite By Leslie Tucker

As we slide into the New Year, remember all of the things you were grateful for in 2011 and visualize abundance to come in 2012!

Why The Happy Meal Was Probably Invented

Courtesy Witz.org

Making Plans for “Nigel”: Devo Sues McDonalds Over Happy Meal Toy

Mark and Nigel

Devo Front man and Gazillionare Composer Mark Mothersbaugh, with a Toy That Looks Like Him

New Wave pioneers Devo are suing McDonalds over a Happy Meal doll that sports the band’s signature red flower pot hat!

Continue reading Making Plans for “Nigel”: Devo Sues McDonalds Over Happy Meal Toy