Tag Archives: Crown

Pink Thing of The Day: Pink Calavera Skull Chair!

Calavera Chair
All Photos By Gail

Spotted at ICFF 2017: What could be more perfectly predestined  for this blog than a Pink Skull Chair! Swoon! What makes this design even more special is that it is the second appearance on The Gig of a Flocked Skull! Manufactured by Polart, the company uses a special technique to electrostatically adhere the flock to its products, resulting in a texture that is soft like velvet to the touch. Appropriately, the collection (which includes other designs) is known as Flockart. Continue reading Pink Thing of The Day: Pink Calavera Skull Chair!

Smile Your Way Into 2012!

Facebite Graphic By Leslie Tucker
FaceBite By Leslie Tucker

As we slide into the New Year, remember all of the things you were grateful for in 2011 and visualize abundance to come in 2012!