Tag Archives: Graphic

Mix Tape Reaper By Ivan Rodero

Mix Tape Reaper
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Ivan Rodero is an Argentinean graphic artist whose work is lots of fun and reminds me of other contemporary Comic Artists I like, such as Dean “Dino” Haspiel (who created the Worley Gig Avatar you see on the home page) and Carol Lay of The Story Minute. See more of Ivan’s work at This Link.

Bacon Thing of The Day: Bacon Art Ala MC Escher

MC Escher Bacon Picture
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Smile Your Way Into 2012!

Facebite Graphic By Leslie Tucker
FaceBite By Leslie Tucker

As we slide into the New Year, remember all of the things you were grateful for in 2011 and visualize abundance to come in 2012!

Bacon Thing of the Day: Madonna Album Cover Parody

Madonna Loves Her Some Bacon!

OK, this is a fairly hilarious parody of the cover for Madonna’s CD, Hard Candy. See the original cover after the Jump!

Thanks to Tres and Geoffrey for the Image!

Continue reading Bacon Thing of the Day: Madonna Album Cover Parody

Earth Day 2011

April 22nd is the day we celebrate Earth Day, which is all about being conscientious of practicing ways to take care of our planet and environment. A list of fun and educational Earth Day activities happening today and this weekend in New York City can be found at This Link. Save the Earth and Have Fun Doing It!